Pilar Vergara
Pilar Vergara

Pilar Vergara Giménez was born in Albacete, Spain . She received a diploma from the School of Optometry of the University Complutense of Madrid in 1989 and the University of Granada in 1994, and the grade in 2021 in Murcia university.  In 1993 she was awarded a Master of Optometry and Visual Training from the International Optometry Center (COI), and she later worked there as a teacher until 1996.  During   her years as faculty at the COI she taught numerous courses on Optometry and Vision Therapy and worked with Dr.  Pilar Plou and the Spanish Olympic shooting Team.

Pilar has   34 years of clinical experience, during which time she has attended numerous post- graduate courses and clinical practicums in public and private institutions in both Spain and the U.S.A. In her private practice Pilar specializes in vision development, Syntonic Phototherapy, Behavioral Optometric Vision Therapy and Neuro- Optometric Vision Therapy for the treatment of patients with congenital and acquired brain injury.

Pilar is the first optometrist in Spain to become a Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (USA), and, from 2002 to 2007, was the first international optometrist to be named as a member of The COVD International Board of Examiners.

She also is the first Optometrits in Spain to become a fellow of CSO and BOAF.

Pilar has taught and lectured nationally and internationally in 22 countries ( China, Italy, France, Germany, USA, Australia,Romania ,Austria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Spain,Peru, Ecuador, Portugal, México,Bali, Rumania, England ,Dinamark,Brazil, Argentina), and she co-taught courses with Dr. Robert Sanet in  Spain , Brazil and USA. Nowadays she is the international director of the Sanet-Vergara vision seminars, teaching and organizing  courses in behavioral optometry all around the world.

She is the author of the first book in Spanish for parents and educators about the relationship between vision and learning problems, Tanta Inteligencia, Tan Poco Rendimiento, She also is the author of the book  crossed and lazy eyes, myhts, misconceptions and truths, translated into English and Chinese.

From 2002 until 2010, Pilar was an instructor at CEU University San Pablo (Madrid).  She directs her own   clinical practice of Neuro-Behavioral Optometry, focusing her work on children, especially those with visually-related learning problems, special educational needs, amblyopia and/or strabismus, as well as children and adults who have suffered head injuries.

She is a founder of SIODEC (la Sociedad Internacional de Optometría del Desarrollo y el Comportamiento) and she is the vicepresident .

She was awarded the prestigious Arman Bastian Award by OEP ( Optometric extension program from USA ) in 2014 In England  and BOAF award ( European Behavioral academy Fundation) in  Berlin, Germany 2015 in recognition of 25 years of work to expand optometry on an interntional level. In Spain 2023 she had an award for her work during this 35 years.

She is  a  loving mother of her 2 beautiful children, Natalia and Rodrigo.


S3D. Vision evaluation and rehabilitation in children with strabismus
  • 13:00 - 14:30
  • 90 min
S4D. Vision evaluation and rehabilitation in children with strabismus
  • 14:30 - 16:00
  • 90 min
S5D. A new paradigm for the treatment of anisometropic amblyopia
  • 16:30 - 18:00
  • 90 min
S6D. A new paradigm for the treatment of anisometropic amblyopia
  • 18:00 - 19:30
  • 90 min
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